Transforming Pain into Possibilities: Your Fertility Journey to Hope and Belief

I‘m here to support and guide you through releasing the weight of anxiety, anger and fear, restoring a sense of calm, belief and self-compassion. Together, we'll find the path forward, revealing a future with loving possibilities.

Here’s The Problem

It’s hard enough as it is.

You’ve probably tried everything from online meditation courses, crystal healing, Facebook support groups and in-person support groups but nothing seems to be working for you. These are quick wins and short term fixes that don’t talk to you or your personal painful journey of multiple failed cycles, multiple complications and seeing more than one specialist for treatment.

It’s almost impossible to teach yourself how to learn to let go or to train your own brain how to start to create new thoughts.

I’ve had 4 long years of IVF treatments. I truly understand how you feel. 

I’ve felt everything you have felt… the disappointment and heartache from failed cycles, the physical pain from needles, surgery and the impact of hormones on your mood and physical suffering. The worst part… the emotional exhaustion from your looping and overwhelming thoughts like ‘Did I do enough’, ‘I wish I started treatment earlier’, and ‘I’m scared that my husband will leave me?

I’m an experienced, accredited and certified coach who’s equipped to help you through one of the most traumatic times in your life.

I want you to feel supported and resilient with coping tools and strategies so that you can move forward in your fertility journey and be in the best place possible mentally, emotionally and physically to conceive.

Imagine IF

  • You went from saying, ‘this is never going to work for me’  ‘I can’t do this for much longer’  to ‘I believe in myself and I am going to trust my body’.

  • In the evenings over dinner, you and your partner were able to have conversations about life, family and what brings you joy without having to talk about about fertility reports, scans and test results every night.

  • You felt safe and comfortable to open up and be honest about your deepest fears around not being able to get pregnant, feel a baby bump or be a mum and have someone to help you work through these emotions and get you to a place where you hope that one day it will be you.

  • You were able to learn how to life live in the present and book time off, go away and do things on your bucket list without always having to pause, think or check the calendar and stop yourself.

  • You were able to trust your body, embrace your pregnancy and connect emotionally, physically and spiritually with your baby in your pregnancy after years and years of uncertainty, anxiety and exhausting fertility treatment.

  • You transformed from a dark place of feeling hopeless and deflated constantly muttering, "this will never work," or "I can't keep this up," to developing a new sense of self-belief.

  • Your support system expanded to include a compassionate and knowledgeable fertility coach, offering a safe space to explore your fears and doubts without judgement.

  • In the trenches of your egg freezing journey, you discovered hope and support, taking away the isolating weight of uncertainty and fear about your future. And you were left feeling at peace, being able to enjoy life and live in the present.

  • With the guidance of a certified fertility coach, you were taught invaluable tools to reduce anxiety, fear, and silence doubt, allowing you to walk your fertility journey with resilience and hope for your future self and future life.

Who I Work With

  • Women about to start IVF / IUI treatment

  • Women about to start fertility treatment

  • Women that has had unsuccessful IVF and FET cycles

  • Women that have secondary infertility and are about to start treatment

  • Women that have secondary infertility and have already started treatment

  • Women that have been ‘diagnosed’ with infertility

  • Women that have a partner that has been diagnosed with infertility

  • Women that are pregnant through IVF / IUI

  • Women that are thinking about freezing their eggs (as they haven’t found the right partner yet)

  • Women that are in the process of freezing their eggs (as they haven’t found the right partner yet)

6-Week Path to Calm

  • Step One

    Understand what emotions you are struggling with the most
    Using NLP methodology and tools you will fully understand how to change thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are holding you back from your dreams of becoming a mother. Together, we’ll work on creating a new set of beliefs, thoughts, actions and behaviours so that you have an entirely different perspective on the journey that you are on.

  • Step Two

    Shift your anxieties and fears to hope and belief and learn to start to let go of what you cannot control.
    Start to manage and be able to shift your own emotions from anxiety and feeling scared to calm and grounded. Using proven to be highly effective visualisation techniques, I will teach you to be more aware of how feelings such as anxiety show up in your physical body and how you can shift your state of mind from feeling anxious to calm so that you can do this whenever you start to feel anxious or out of control.

  • Step Three

    Understand how you want to feel and how you visualise your future life and future self and learn how to get there
    We’ll work on creating goals around how you want to feel during your fertility journey by understanding your deepest desires and dreams for the life you want to live and how you want to feel and I will show you how to get there and what steps to take.
    Learn to be present and happy. We’ll focus on what inspires you and what you can start doing for yourself to help you get to a place where you feel genuinely loved and supported by YOU.

What you’ll get

  • 6 Weeks of 1:1 coaching

  • 3x total 1:1 calls (60 mins each) via Zoom

  • 1:1 email and Voxer messenger support (Mon-Friday)

  • Weekly check-ins from me via email / messenger

  • Powerful yet simple and effective proven tools and strategies that you can use to change your mental state, change the stories that you are telling yourself and learn to have a different conversation with yourself that will help you life a life full of hope, abundance and love

  • To feel light a huge weight has been taken off your shoulders

  • To feel supported and have a compassionate listener who validates all that you are feeling and more

  • Be open and truly honest about your inner most fears and anxieties about your fertility journey - no need for smiles and saying that you are ‘OK’ when deep down you are anything but OK.

Hands holding a heart shaped cushion

Our Pricing

Singapore Dollars: $990 SGD

*Payment options are available

You will be directed to Book a Call when you have completed the ‘Apply to work with we’ application form.

If you have any questions before you apply, please email me.


Prioritising your emotional health and mental well-being is essential. Seeking help and support is a brave and courageous step toward healing, not a sign of weakness.